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Welcome Challengers
Welcome! Watch This Video First! (2:34)
Week 1 - Create Your Circle
1. Discover Your WHY? (1:56)
2. Create your Circle (6:11)
3. Use Your Googles (0:57)
Week 2 - It's Your Circle
1. Get The Conversation Started (2:23)
2. Create New Content (1:13)
3. Widen Your Circle (1:49)
Mid-Way Check In
1. Book Your Zoom Check In (1:36)
Week 3 - Create Amazing Content
1. Up Level Your Video Content (1:48)
2. Lead With Your Emotions (6:12)
Week 4 - Engage Like Crazy
1. Answer Everyone - Except the Trolls - Bye Felicia (1:50)
3. To be Interestingl Be Interested! (1:45)
Next Steps - What Now?
1. Congratulations (2:43)
BONUS IDEAS to Fast Track Your Growth
1. Bonus Ideas
1. Up Level Your Video Content
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